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Why We Need a Global Halal Marketplace in Today’s World


In today’s world, maintaining Sharia compliance in business and daily life is increasingly challenging for Muslims. Many businesses mix halal and haram elements, making it difficult for Muslims to fully adhere to Islamic teachings. A global halal marketplace, free from all forms of haram activities, is essential to provide a safe and compliant environment for Muslim consumers and business owners.

Prevalence of Haram Activities in Modern Businesses

Many businesses today engage in activities that are explicitly forbidden in Islam, such as dealing in usury (riba), selling alcohol, playing music, displaying inappropriate images, and facilitating gender mixing. Usury-based banks, shopping malls selling alcohol, and workplaces with inappropriate conduct are common examples. Engaging with these businesses forces Muslims to compromise their faith, directly contradicting the command of Allah to avoid haram.

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.”

(Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:90)

“Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, ‘Trade is [just] like interest.’ But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:275)

These verses highlight the importance of avoiding all forms of haram, including alcohol, gambling, and usury, which are rampant in many business environments today.

Challenges for Muslims in Upholding Sharia Compliance

Muslims who care about their religion often find themselves in workplaces or business environments that violate Sharia rules. This can include being part of interest-based financial systems, working in places that promote haram products, or being in environments where inappropriate conduct is normalized. This not only puts their faith at risk but also creates a continuous moral dilemma.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt. The truth brings tranquility while falsehood sows doubt.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith emphasizes the importance of staying away from doubtful and haram matters, which includes participating in or supporting businesses that are not fully Sharia-compliant.

The Need for a Global Halal Marketplace

A global halal marketplace can provide a space where Muslims can engage in commerce without compromising their beliefs. This marketplace would ensure that all goods and services are halal-certified, free from riba, alcohol, inappropriate imagery, and other haram elements. It would also create an ethical trading environment where businesses adhere strictly to Islamic principles.

Quranic Guidance on Halal Consumption:

“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:168)

“Verily, Allah is pure and He accepts only that which is pure.”

(Sahih Muslim)

These evidences stress the need to consume only that which is halal and good, reinforcing the call for a dedicated halal marketplace that caters to these needs.

Uniting the Muslim Community to Establish a Halal Marketplace

To build such a marketplace, the Muslim community must unite and support businesses striving to remain halal and Sharia-compliant. This requires collaboration among entrepreneurs, consumers, and Islamic scholars to ensure that all aspects of the marketplace align with Islamic values. By supporting halal businesses, Muslims can help create a thriving economy that upholds their religious principles.

Call to Action:

“And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.”

(Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:2)

This verse calls on Muslims to collaborate in creating positive, halal environments and to reject participation in haram activities.


The need for a global halal marketplace is clear: it provides a solution for Muslims seeking to uphold their faith in all aspects of life, including business. By uniting and supporting halal businesses, the Muslim community can establish a marketplace that truly reflects Islamic values, ensuring that all transactions and products are free from haram elements. This is not only a matter of personal faith but also a collective responsibility to create an environment where Muslims can thrive without compromising their beliefs.